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Service Terms 

This page sets out the Service Terms (including Disclaimer & Privacy Policy) for Justin Soul Warrior, and acts as a legal document governing the use of any service and the coach-client relationship.


This should not merely be seen as a 'standard' document which people sometimes skip over, but must be read carefully by any client wishing to book a session where they will need to be in full agreement with it. 


It is designed to ensure that all services can be delivered to clients at the highest possible level, and acts as protection for both coach and client. This may take around 10-15 minutes, and you should keep a copy of the link. You only have to do this once.


Thank you.

Justin Soul Warrior

Tel: 07597 092 094


Manchester, UK

Serving the rest of the UK and beyond




Justin Soul Warrior is a qualified, insured and approved Shamanic Life Coach & Guide, with over 10 years experience, and a Member of the Association for Coaching.


Shamanism is one of the oldest forms of healing cutting across various different cultures, with scholars dating it back over 10,000 years. It has seen a resurgence in modern times, especially as many are now seeking incisive and deep insights into their life path and purpose. A key focus is on channeling divine energy and guidance from what is often referred to as the 'hidden realms', in order to help provide answers to people's challenges, especially at the soul level. 


Justin has endured his own serious life challenges, in particular mental health issues, which have essentially turned into ‘shamanic initiations’. This term means that a person has been through an intense process of spiritual learning and discovery, often involving life threatening adversity, and transmuted that into a foundation for supporting others. In addition to being trained in shamanic practice, Justin also has a background as a social scientist, including psychology, having worked in the NHS for 15 years as a researcher and mentor.


The service provided by Justin Soul Warrior is an important part of the support available to appropriate clients. However, please note that Justin is NOT a formal counsellor, psychologist, mental health therapist, medical practitioner or other advisor (e.g. legal practitioner), and this service should NOT be seen as a substitute for conventional mental health, medical or other services, where these are required.


If a client has serious mental health issues, Justin Soul Warrior will need the client to confirm that they have some form of conventional support in place, at least having seen their doctor (GP) - please clarify this in any booking message. The client must be able to keep themselves safe and, as part of these Service Terms, agree that they will reach out to traditional mental health services for safety support if required. If it turns out that a client requires care that the coach may not be able to provide or deems they may need, they will be advised to seek such care.


The coach cannot make any clinical diagnosis (physical or mental), and does not offer 'cures'. You should always consult your doctor (GP) or healthcare practitioner for any important medical or mental health problem. This includes any medication issues.




Justin uses his own unique approach, including the shamanic way as introduced above, life coaching skills, various divination methods, and drawing on his own direct experience of overcoming life threatening adversity, from which the Soul Warrior was born.


After many years of working with different levels of divine consciousness, Justin has come to the point where he only tunes in to the highest level possible - what may be referred to as Source, Spirit, God, or Christ Consciousness. 


A key focus is helping people align with what Justin calls the Soul-Source Trajectory. This is defined as our reason for being here in this life, detailing our unique soul's mission and path, and the adventure that unfolds in connection with the Divine Plan we all share of re-uniting with Source - the journey back to the truth of who we really are. 


This approach is not from a religious perspective - although neither does it exclude people with a particular religious background - but from a place of truth and divine guidance that has been brought to Justin along his journey. The key thing to know is Justin will be guided as to what is best for each client in terms of how information should be channeled and what type of spiritual words or concepts may be most appropriate for them.


In order to deliver services at the optimum level, Justin follows the Association for Coaching's Global Code of Ethics, found here:


The three main services currently provided are:


  • Soul-Source Trajectory Reading© - These readings are designed to be as accurate as possible towards the unique Soul-Source Trajectory of each specific client. In addition to providing an overarching perspective of the client's soul mission and path, each reading is largely focused on covering the part of the path that will ensue over the coming 3-4 months​


  • Navigator Sessions© - These coaching sessions usually follow a reading - although clients do not have to choose them - and focus on ongoing support for those wishing to further navigate their Soul-Source Trajectory and various life goals


  • Face-to-Face Guidance (occasional) - On certain occasions, Justin Soul Warrior may meet certain individuals or groups on a face-to-face basis, providing intuitive guidance and support, such as in voluntary organisations and healing centres




  • Readings, coaching and any other sessions are for information purposes only

  • While designed to be as accurate as possible, Justin cannot guarantee the outcomes of any readings, coaching or other services

  • Furthermore, you as the client (or any related parties) are solely responsible for your own reactions, responses, decisions, healing, actions and outcomes – whether during or after receiving any sessions

  • Under NO circumstances can you, or anyone associated with you, ever hold Justin Soul Warrior, or any person associated with Justin Soul Warrior, responsible or liable for your reactions, responses, decisions, actions, or any of your life outcomes – including those that affect you, any other person, being, or property related to or associated with you, or any other aspect of your life




You must be at least 18 years of age to use any of the services. Clients from a wide range of backgrounds and with an array of issues are able to request support, including those with major life challenges and mental health issues. However, you must have full mental capacity - i.e. be able to make your own decisions about your life.


Justin does not work with – and is not qualified to work with – people with mental disabilities, such as developmental, neuro-developmental, intellectual, brain disorder, or learning disabilities. If you need more information about this, please speak to Justin direct. 




There is NO binding contract regarding the number of sessions you should have. You can simply choose one session, such as a reading, or you may wish to have a number of sessions. Alternatively, you may choose to return for readings every so often. Once you have agreed to this Service Terms document, this will cover whatever course you decide to take. 


Please allow for some flexibility around the precise timing of your session. Most sessions take place on time, but Justin sometimes needs to prolong preparation - e.g. by 30-45 mins - to ensure any guidance brought through is appropriate, and he is able to act as a clear 'channel' for supporting you at the highest level. He will keep you up to date as to the precise start time on the day of your session, and you should allow enough time in your schedule for the full session to take place.


If you have already paid for a service, then the details and prices for that service will not change (apart from potential tweaks to the approach that may be used for service improvement purposes). However, certain details and prices of a service may change over time and if you return to access such a service you will be made aware of this at the relevant time point (e.g. a change in approach or prices when you come to book another service in the future).


Most sessions are over the phone, with both coach and client wearing headphones (although the client can choose what is best for them in terms of how they receive the call), and the client is asked to make notes and provide input. Sessions are never recorded and never conducted over video chat (e.g. Zoom, Facetime), largely to ensure confidentiality and data protection, and so that both parties remain as focused as possible on the guidance being shared throughout the reading. Photos of Rune Maps, oracle cards and other divination symbols may be sent to the client in relation to each reading or session, which can be used to go with their own notes.


You are free to contact Justin over digital messaging such as WhatsApp if you wish to share thoughts and insights in-between sessions you have paid for, or during the 2 week aftercare period following a Soul-Source Trajectory Reading. If you do so, it may take 1-2 days for Justin to get back to you, even if he has read your message. Also, please ensure you respect boundaries - e.g. only send messages where you feel inspired to do so or where required, and kindly do not overuse this service. If you have chosen the Soul-Source Trajectory Reading with the 2 week follow-up, please note that in rare circumstances, Justin may be unavailable for a few days due to - for example - an urgent situation or temporary illness, and if this was the case, then your 2 week aftercare period will be extended in accordance with the days lost. 


Payments for each session must be made in advance at the time of booking and are non-refundableIf Justin Soul Warrior needs to cancel a session, you can have a refund in that particular instance or allow the payment to be rolled over to a re-arranged date. If you need to cancel the session due to an unavoidable situation, the money cannot be refunded, but it can be rolled over to a re-arranged date (although be aware you may have to wait several weeks for your session to be re-scheduled). 




Justin Soul Warrior will always attempt to exercise his very best professional efforts and integrity, and you will always receive the upmost guidance and support if you choose any of the services. It is Justin’s aim to guide clients right through a particular stage of their journey, if they request this.


It is envisaged that clients will find sessions incisive, relevant to their needs, and inspiring. At the same time, clients should be aware that issues around their life may be raised that present them with challenges - such as conditioned thought patterns or elements of past trauma that are there to be healed - and the coaching process, or even just having a one-off reading, should not be taken lightly. 


Justin adopts an easy going and compassionate approach with clients. However, the coach-client relationship must always remain professional. Both parties will need to respect boundaries at all times and if any ‘issues’ or 'conflicts of interest' arise, they should be brought up at the earliest opportunity and discussed between coach and client and resolved accordingly. Honesty and trust are essential to the coaching process.


The coaching relationship must never become mixed up with friendship or romantic elements, as per the general codes of practice for life coaches.


Finally, both the client and the coach are free to withdraw from the coaching process at any time. The coach will only do this if deemed absolutely necessary, such as taking a hiatus from coaching in general (clients will be made aware of this in advance), or if an issue arises between coach and client that is unresolvable and/or where the client is in serious breach of the Service Terms (although such circumstances are very rare).




Everything you share with Justin Soul Warrior and all your personal details are always treated in the strictest of confidence.

Justin has to keep records of sessions with clients for up to 5 years for insurance purposes. This includes personal details provided directly by you, key goals and issues, and progress made. Other personal information provided by you, such as via digital messaging, may be kept on an ongoing basis for the purposes of the coaching process and also form part of the records.


All your personal data is kept in line with the Data Protection Act, 2018 (updated version), and the UK GDPR (which is very similar to the EU GDPR). This is legislation governing the principles and rights around data protection. The use and keeping of your personal data comes under the legitimate interests part of the GDPR. This is because there is a relevant relationship between data subject (client) and data controller (coach), and the data is required to deliver an optimum coaching performance. 

All record
s are always kept under lock and key - and any digital data protected on the coach's end - and ONLY ever seen by Justin Soul Warrior.


Client records and personal details are never shared with third parties (unless required to by law, or if it is deemed necessary due to the client or others being at risk in some way, although this would be extremely rare and has never happened up to this point).


Audio or visual recordings of any sessions are never made by the coach, and clients must not record the sessions. Plus, clients must not have anyone else in the room when receiving a session (unless it is a dependent they have to care for, such as a child or elderly parent, and only if this is unavoidable and will not impact on that dependent, nor will that dependent break confidentiality in terms of anything that may be overheard, all of which is the client's sole responsibility to ensure).  


During the session, Justin may discuss some of his own experiences and insights with clients, if appropriate. Clients should maintain confidentiality of this information and the coaching process as a whole, but they can share 'general points of interest,' such as key things they have learnt and general points about Justin already published (such as on his website).


As part of best practice for almost all life coaches, Justin sometimes seeks supervision from highly qualified mentors and may share information about sessions he has with clients. However, clients remain completely anonymous in this context, and the supervision relationship is itself confidential.


Messages may be shared between coach and client that contain personal information related to you and your sessions. These are mainly shared via WhatsApp as they are stated to be end-to-end encrypted - i.e. they have a higher level of security - provided nobody else has access to your phone. You can also correspond with Justin over text or email, which is protected in the main, although may not be as robust. Due to the nature of cyberspace, any information or data shared between coach and client via any form of digital messaging cannot have guaranteed security. With that said. all client information via messaging is ONLY ever seen by Justin Soul Warrior from his end. It is important you always ensure ONLY YOU have access to your messages or emails and have strict protections in place (e.g. passwords, screen lock etc).


Under data protection law, you have rights including:


  • Your right of access - You have the right to ask for copies of your personal information

  • Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask for any personal information you think is inaccurate to be rectified, or information you feel is incomplete to be completed

  • Your right to erasure - You have the right to ask for the erasure of your personal information in certain circumstances

  • Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask for the restriction of the processing (use) of your personal information in certain circumstances

  • Your right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing (use) of your personal information in certain circumstances




Justin Soul Warrior has full professional indemnity insurance. Any person seeking information or guidance must be genuine. Calls or meetings should never be recorded in any form (without consent).


If you have any issues with a service received, or information provided, you should raise this with the coach at the earliest opportunity so that they can be resolved. In addition, any constructive feedback is always welcomed.


However, although this has never happened to Justin Soul Warrior, as part of general protection for any coaching practice, all interested parties (clients or otherwise) should be aware that they must not make any derogatory, defamatory or libellous statements about the coach or anyone associated with the coach - whether verbally, written or online. The coach also has a zero tolerance policy towards anyone acting in an abusive or inappropriate manner towards the coach, anyone associated with the coach, or the coaching practice as a whole. Justin Soul Warrior reserves the right, and is legally protected, to pursue any breach of these stipulations under the full extent of the law.  




The key services and themes provided by Justin in the course of his practice are his own intellectual property (unless otherwise stated and referenced) and should never be taken by others - clients or otherwise - and passed off as their own.




Justin Soul Warrior will only ever contact clients, or any other interested parties, via his official telephone number and/or email as displayed on his website (unless he states he will be doing otherwise from such an official source that you are already connected with). If you receive any messages that are NOT from these official sources, then you should NOT respond to them and immediately inform Justin of this. 




Justin is usually available Mon-Fri, but unavailable during weekends and national holiday periods (e.g. Bank Holidays, Easter, Christmas).




In no event will Justin Soul Warrior, or anyone associated with Justin Soul Warrior, be held liable for any loss or damage (including, without limitation, physical, mental, spiritual, special, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage) arising out of, or in connection with, the use of any services.


Justin Soul Warrior reserves the right to make changes to this document if deemed necessary for service improvement purposes (i.e. for new clients as time progresses). Any 'updates' that are deemed significant and which may impact on the coach-client relationship with current clients (i.e. you reading this now) will be sent to those clients for their further agreement (but it is expected this will be rare).




When finalising a booking with Justin, you will need to ensure within yourself that you are happy with, and in full agreement with, these Service Terms. If you are not, then you should not proceed with booking a session and inform Justin of this, which is your right to do so and which he will fully understand.


If you are in full agreement, then you can proceed.


Please note: Once you have agreed to these Service Terms, it becomes legally binding and you cannot ever withdraw your agreement (although of course you have the right to withdraw from the coaching process at any time, as stated in these Terms).


In finalising your booking with Justin, please state the following:


'I have fully read and understand the Service Terms document and I am in full agreement with it.’


Thank you

Justin Soul Warrior


(Last updated: August, 2023.+.) 


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