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Soul-Source Trajectory Reading

Shamanic reading over the phone (includes 2 weeks aftercare)

1 h 30 min
£50 (normally £80)


~WHAT YOU GET~ Preparation by me: 1.5 hrs Reading: 1.5 hrs Photo: Rune Map Aftercare: 2 weeks This reading will uncover your Soul-Source Trajectory, which is your reason for being here in this life, detailing your unique soul's mission and path, and the adventure that unfolds in connection with the Divine Plan we share of re-uniting with Source - the journey back to the truth of who you really are. Each reading covers 3-4 months at a time. During preparation, I use the shamanic way to tune into Source and your specific trajectory, applying the following: A) Soul Scrolling Technique© - This is my own unique method where I scroll up and down large sacred documents on the computer to see where it lands. Very often the same sentences or paragraphs will be repeated and build on each other (showing accuracy). This is designed to reveal the 'story' of your trajectory, including areas such as soul patterns, soul contracts and your soul's mission. B) Rune Map - I also pick a number of runes. These are symbols from an ancient alphabet called the Elder Futhark, used in divination for centuries. Each has its own meaning. There are three lines of runes - bottom line showing where you are (start), middle line/s indicating areas to work on (progress), and top line showing likely outcomes by following such guidance (outcomes). This forms a 'map' which will have arrows and brief text for direction. Readings are conducted over the phone, usually with coach and client wearing headphones and where the client makes notes (sessions are not recorded). You can ask questions and provide input, and will receive further compassionate guidance. I will send a photo of the Rune Map as a focal point to go with your notes. Preparation takes me 1.5 hrs and the session lasts 1.5 hrs. A period of 2 weeks aftercare is included, where I can respond to your questions and insights over digital messaging. *HOW TO BOOK* 1) Please contact me on 07597 092 094, preferably via WhatsApp - or use the roaming red 'contact' button on the right. 2) State you would like a 'reading' and we can agree a date and time. 3) I will send a link to the Service Terms (also on website) which you will need to carefully read and be in full agreement with. 4) Finally, I will send details of how to make your payment which must be paid in advance at the time of booking and is non-refundable (if you need to cancel urgently, the payment can be rolled over). I look forward to reading for you! Blessings Justin

Contact Details

07597 092 094 (WhatsApp or Text)

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