Prices & Discounts
To help as many people as possible, prices are currently reduced from the standard fees usually applied in this field. For those in serious financial difficulties, further discounts are available but these must be genuine cases. If you wish to ask whether a further discount can be applied, please contact Justin direct who will be more than happy to discuss. You will need to provide a little information explaining your position so he can note this in the records in order to abide by good practice and ensure fairness for all.
How to Book
Hi there!
To book a session with me, simply send a message to 07597 092 094 - preferably via WhatsApp - or use the roaming red contact button on the right.
To make things easier to book your session, please follow these simple steps:
You will then be all set to receive your reading or coaching session!
1) Please state which service you would like (e.g. a reading) - see the list below to learn more about the service you may be interested in. Each service has all the details you need, including these same steps.
2) We can then agree a date and time.
3) I will ask if you have read the Service Terms document and that you are in 'full agreement' with it (please read it carefully either now or when I ask you about it).
4) Finally, I will send details of how to make your payment, which must be paid in advance at the time of booking and is non-refundable (if you need to cancel urgently, the payment can be rolled over).
1 hr 30 min
£50 (normally £80)1 hr
£30 (normally £50)